
Published Books:

Open-Access (financed by the project in IO8)

Not Open-Access (not financed by the project, but project-related and dissemination)

  • Zender, J. (2019). Mathtrails in der Sekundarstufe I. Der Einsatz von MathCityMap bei Zylinderproblemen in der neunten Klasse. Münster: WTM.

Published Articles:

Open-Access (financed by the project in IO8)

  • Barlovits, S. & Ludwig, M. (2020). Mobile-Supported Outdoor Learning in Math Class: Draft of an Efficacy Study about the MathCityMap App. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA Online Conference in June 2020 (pp. 55-62). Münster: WTM.
  • Barlovits, S., Jablonski, S., Milicic, G., Ludwig, M. (2020). MathCityMap@home: Digitale Lernpfade mit gestuften Hinweisen und synchroner Schüler-Lehrer-Interaktion. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik , (109) S. 39-43.
  • Baumann-Wehner, M., Gurjanow, I., Milicic, G. & Ludwig, M. (2020). Analysis of Student-Teacher Chat Communication during Outdoor Learning within the MCM Digital Classroom. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age (pp. 63-70). Münster: WTM.
  • Blanco, J.C., Lázaro, C., Recio, T. (2019). El proyecto MoMaTrE: Paseos matemáticos con móvil por Europa. Boletín informativo de la SMPC , núm. 19, pp. 6-7.
  • Blanco J.C., Lázaro C., Recio T. (2020). ErasmusDays 2019: Una ruta matemática por Santander con MathCityMap y MoMaTrE. Boletín informativo de la SMPC , núm. 20, pp. 6-8.
  • Caldeira, A. & Ceretkova, S. (2020). MathCityMap Generic Tasks in Portugal and in Slovakia. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA Online Conference in June 2020 (pp. 201-204). Münster: WTM.
  • Caldeira, A. Moura, A. & Mercat, C., (2019). Big events in Mathematics using math trails. In: U. T. Jankvist, M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, (pp. 2804-2805). Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME.
  • Caldeira, A., Viamonte, A. J., Figueiredo, I. & Brás, H. (2020). Using Math Trails as a Travel Guide. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA Online Conference in June 2020 (pp. 197-200). Münster: WTM.
  • Gurjanow, I., & Ludwig, M. (2017). Gamifying math trails with the MathCityMap app: Impact of points and leaderboard on intrinsic motivation. In G. Aldon, & J. Trgalova, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT 13) (pp. 105-112). Lyon, France.
  • Gurjanow, I., & Ludwig, M. (2018). Welchen motivationalen Einfluss hat Gamification auf Neuntklässler bei der Bearbeitung eines Mathtrails? In G. f. Mathematik, Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018 (GDMV 3) (pp. 675-678). Münster: WTM-Verlag.
  • Gurjanow, I., Taranto, E., Ludwig, M., Alberti, V., & Ferro, R. (2019). Math MOOC UniTo & MathCityMap – Exploring the potentials of a review system in a MOOC environment. In U. T. Jankvist, M. Van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis, Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME11). Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME.
  • Gurjanow, I., Zender, J., & Ludwig, M. (2017). What influences in-service and student teachers use of MathCityMap? In T. Dooley, & G. Gueudet, Proceedings of the tenth congress of the european society for research in mathematics education (CERME 10) (S. 2366-2374). Dublin, Ireland.
  • Gurjanow, I., Zender, J. & Ludwig, M. (2020). MathCityMap – Popularizing Mathematics around the Globe with Math Trails and Smartphone. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age (pp. 103-110). Münster: WTM.
  • Jablonski, S. & Ludwig, M. (2020). Development of an Intensive Study Programme on Out-door Mathematics Teaching with Digital Tools. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA Online Conference in June 2020 (pp. 111-118). Münster: WTM.
  • Jablonski, S., Ludwig, M., Zender, J. (2018). Task Quality vs. Task Quantity. A dialog-based review system to ensure a certain quality of tasks in the MathCityMap web community. In: H.-G. Weigand, A. Clark-Wilson, A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, N. Grønbæk & J. Trgalova (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth ERME Topic Conference (ETC 5) on Mathematics Education in the Digital Age (MEDA) 5-7 September 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark, S. 115-122.
  • Ludwig, M., Jablonski, S. (2019). Doing Math Modelling Outdoors – A Special Class Activity designed with MathCityMap. In: 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’19). Unversitat Politécnica de Valéncia.
  • Zender, J. & Ludwig, M. (2019). The long-term effects of MathCityMap on the performance of German 15 year old students concerning cylindric tasks. In: U. T. Jankvist, M. van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, & M. Veldhuis (Eds.), Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Utrecht, the Netherlands: Freudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University and ERME.

Not Open-Access (not financed by the project, but project-related and dissemination)

  • Amaro, E., Blanco, J. C., Lázaro, C., Recio, T. (2019). MathCityMap: paseos matemáticos a través de dispositivos móviles. Proceedings of the Congreso Iberoamericano La Educación ante el nuevo entorno digital.
  • Boboňová, I., Čeretková, S. (2019). A Qualitative Study on the Implementation of Digital Technology in Mathematics Education, INTED2019 Proceedings, pp. 3647-3651.
  • Čeretková, S., Bulková, K. (2020). Mathematics Trails in Initial Teachers’ Education in Slovakia. In: APLIMAT 2020, 19th Conference of Applied Mathematics, Book of Abstracts, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 4-6 February 2020, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp. 232 – 237.
  • Espinosa, J. A. (2020). Un paseo por tu ciudad con ojos matemáticos. Uno. Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, (87), 1/2020, pp. 38-42.
  • Gurjanow, I., Jablonski, S., Ludwig, M. & Zender, J. (2019). Modellieren mit MathCityMap. In: I. Grafenhofer, J. Maaß (Eds.), Neue Materialien für einen realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 6. Realitätsbezüge im Mathematikunterricht. Springer Spektrum, Wiesbaden, pp. 95-105.
  • Gurjanow, I., Ludwig, M. (2020) Mathematics Trails and Learning Barriers. In: Stillman G., Kaiser G., Lampen C. (eds) Mathematical Modelling Education and Sense-making. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling. Springer, Cham. (pp. 265-275).
  • Gurjanow, I., & Ludwig, M. (2018). The MathCityMap app: A gamified math trail experience. In E. Bergqvist, M. Österholm, C. Granberg, & L. Sumpter, Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp. 52-53). Umea, Sweden: PME.
  • Gurjanow, I., Oliveira, M., Zender, J., Santos, P. A., & Ludwig, M. (2019). Shallow and deep gamification in mathematics trails. In M. Gentile, M. Allegra & H. Söbke (Eds.), Games and learning Alliance – 2019: 7th International conference, GALA 2018, Palermo, Italy, December 5-7, 2018, Proceedings, pp. 364-374. Springer International Publishing.
  • Gurjanow, I., Oliveira, M., Zender, J., Santos, P. A., & Ludwig, M. (2019). Mathematics Trails: Shallow and Deep Gamification. International Journal of serious games, vol 6 No 3, 2019.
  • Jablonski, S. (2019). Problemlösen an der frischen Luft. Mit MathCityMap mathematische Wanderwege erstellen. Grundschulunterricht Mathematik, 1/2019.
  • Jablonski, S., Lazaro, C., Ludwig, M. & Recio, T. (2020). MathCityMap, paseos matemáticos a través de dispositivos móviles. Uno. Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, (87), 1/2020, pp. 47-54.
  • Ludwig, M. & Jablonski, S. (2019). Haciendo matemáticas al aire libre con MathCityMap. In: Jornadas para el Aprendizaje y la Enseñanza de las Matemáticas (19JAEM), 3 a 5 julio 2019, A Coruña, Spain. ISBN: 978-84-948824-4-9.
  • Ludwig, M., Baumann-Wehner, M., Gurjanow, I., Jablonski, S. (2019). Mathe draußen: MathCityMap. Mit Aufgaben-Wizard und Digitalem Klassenzimmer zum mobilen MathTrail. mathematik lehren, 215, pp. 29-32.
  • Ludwig, M., Jablonski, S., Gurjanow, I., Baumann-Wehner, M. (2020) MathCityMap live und interaktiv – Mobile mathematische Wanderpfade erstellen und organisieren. In: Tagungsband Wider View.
  • Ludwig, M., Jablonski, S. (2020). MathCityMap – Mit mobilen Mathtrails Mathe draußen entdecken. MNU Journal, pp.29-36.
  • Ludwig, M., Jablonski, S. (2020) Mit MathCityMap Mathematik draußen machen – Das Potential mathematischer Wanderpfade als außerschulische Lernorte. In: M. Jungwirth, N. Harsch, Y. Korflür, & M. Stein (Hrsg.): Forschen.Lernen.Lehren an öffentlichen Orten – The Wider View. In: Schriften zur Allgemeinen Hochschuldidaktik. Band 5. Münster: WTM-Verlag 2020, S. 191-196.
  • Ludwig, M., Jablonski, S., Caldeira, A. & Moura, A. (2020). Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the Digital Age – Background and Introduction. In M. Ludwig, S. Jablonski, A. Caldeira, & A. Moura (Eds.), Research on Outdoor STEM Education in the digiTal Age. Proceedings of the ROSETA Online Conference in June 2020 (pp. 5-9). Münster: WTM.
  • Martínez, J. A. (2020). Si <<miras pero no ves>>, educa tu mirada matemática. Uno. Revista de Didáctica de las Matemáticas, (87), 1/2020, pp. 43-46.